Friday, September 21, 2012

All the small things.

Some fave things Morgan has learned this past month...

Pretending- string cheese is a phone, just about any type of food is a car, or an airplane.

New phrases. Josh taught him "dada knows" and he says it all the time. Josh tells him to run and go tell me when I'm in a different part of the house and he always runs and finds me, and tells me "dada knows". Most of the time I agree.

He like to say "go crazy" and dance around. (Yo Gabba Gabba, anyone?)

He loves saying bones and fist bumping you, then making an exploding sound. (Daddy taught him about exploding the bones.)

He says "high-five" and gives them to his stuffed animals. And people when they ask.

He still is obsessed with cars and plays with his all the time. It's cute because they are always all in the same place- there are like 20 of them- or more. But he moves them armful by armful to a new location when he relocates- like if I move from the living room to the kitchen and he wants to be with me. He likes to stack random things on top of each other, but he espeichally does it with his little hotwheel cars. We taught him to say "double cars!". So when we were driving on the highway a few days ago there was one of those big semi car transporter thingys and Morgan got excited and said "double cars!" Sooo cute.

He learns new words every single day- and he is SUCH a little parrot now. Especially when we're on the phone. And especially the phrases "yeah""ok""uh huh""hello""byebye"- but SO many more too.

He knows ALL his colors- red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, black, brown. You can ask him to bring any one of those colors of cars or crayon or anything else to you and he'll do it no problem. He can say all the colors too.

Speaking of crayons, the boy LOVES to draw. If you sit down and color with him he is one happy boy. He'll ask you to draw "M"s (his favorite letter), ovals (his favorite shape), and cars. ("dah em peese, mama). Adorable much?

Oh, and I have something to show you. He is getting better and better at drawing and he drew these ovals all by himself! Like, with the intent to draw ovals. He was saying oval as he drew them. They are not just scribbles. Look at those ones on the bottom right! That seriously blew my mind.
I did draw the awkward car on the bottom. Don't judge. Everything else is Morgan's. 

Crazy stuff man.

Pretty sure I could go on for another 20 paragraphs about all the cool stuff he's learned but I better stop.

I truly feel like he is ridiculously smart, and it's so fun that he can learn just about anything you teach him. His personality is really the cherry on top though- he is just bursting with fun. I love that boy. Have I ever mentioned that?

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